SoCal road trip with the kids
Our 10 day roadtrip up and down California spanning the Bay Area, Central California, Disneyland and Laguna Beach
Active learning with Osmo
My wife and I were initially hesitant around how much screen time we should give our kids, and we struggled to find resources where our kids could use technology as a tool to educate them. That wasn't until we learned about Osmo, and since then our entire approach to technology for our kids has changed.
Newborn baby essentials
Now that each of our kids are no longer in the baby phase (<12 months), we can now confidently share what we used during that essential window when you just want to make sure your little one is safe and happy. A shout-out to my wife who did most of the research and compilation of these items - thanks to her it made our lives as parents to newborns much easier and we were much more prepared (thanks, wifey!)!
How to be a great dad
I got 16 weeks of Paternity Leave last year for the birth of my daughter. I was able to have four whole months to spend with my wife, my (then) 2 year old son, and my newborn daughter. How lucky was I?